The Platt Group offers expert Early Neutral Dispute and Case Evaluation and Resolution Services essentially modeled after its own successful experience at early neutral case evaluation for various attorneys and businesses in Maryland as well as the literature describing early neutral case assessment utilized by among others the Shell Oil Company.
This approach taken from both the literature on early neutral case intervention and the experience of The Platt Group’s expert and experienced Neutrals employs a process of early-on identifying and assessing the key facts, potential exposure, business objectives and possible outcomes of a case or dispute and then developing a case management plan which will achieve a viable business objective and result in the shortest possible time at lowest possible cost to businesses and their counsel.
The Platt Group’s experienced and expert Neutral Case Evaluators have successfully recommended “Tolling agreements”, mediation, arbitration, neutral fact-finding and other innovative case management tools in different situations to resolve cases. We will find the best “business solution” to your business dispute or problem.
The Platt Group’s expert and experienced Neutrals who can provide early dispute evaluation and resolution are as follows:
- Judge Steven I. Platt (Ret.)
- Judge James A. Kenney (Ret.)
- Judge Marvin Kaminetz (Ret.)
- Judge Joel Worshtil (Ret.)
The hourly fee for Early Neutral Case Evaluation is $400.00 per hour not to exceed $1000 per case.